Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Now introducing: 2.0!

I think the design of my blog is pretty neat. I actually put some thought into the aesthetic the first time I created it. I went through several rounds of editing, switching back and forth through different layouts and font and so forth. Initially I had several pictures along the sides of the layout. However, I realized that some of the pictures weren’t relevant to the material that would be on the blog so I decided to pick one picture that satisfied this. I chose a picture of the book in the forest (the picture right next to the blog entries) for a couple reasons:
1. It was pretty :)
2. It was relevant to the blog itself, since it was a book.
3. And most importantly, because I thought the book (as well as the Vogue magazine background) would help me convey the overall theme of the blog which was that “Fashion: In & Out”— represented my passion for clothing and the fashion, or style, in which we (as writers) portray in our literary work such as novels, memoirs, etc…
I think my blog is pretty easy to read in terms of clarity. I made sure I had a dark background against the pink font so readers can understand the content easily. I used a less “business” style font so that my readers wouldn’t be intimidated. As explained in the NFG, typefaces affect how text is perceived, and I didn’t want readers having a wrong perception of the blog.
I think my design is also appropriate for a college classroom about rhetoric and writing, mostly for the same reasons I mentioned earlier. Overall, I think my blog accomplishes it purpose when it comes to the design.

There are several things I decided to change on my blog. One of the changes was the color of the font which is now black (previously light pink). I, personally, thought it was pretty easy to read; however, after my roommate told me it in fact, was NOT easy to read, I figured a simple black font would be best. In addition, I changed the style of the fonts on the headers and titles to something more refined, more edgy. Before, the fonts were all one simple color but I played with different color schemes and came up with one that suit the color of the background picture. I decided to keep the picture of the book in the forest simply because I love it. In the end, the little changes that I made, I think, had a big effect on the “flow” of the blog. It looks more sophisticated because I actually matched up the fonts and colors on the headers and titles so they were the same. As explained in the NFG, a consistent design is key in creating a good visual tone.

I came across two websites that helped inspire “Fashion: In & Out” 2.0:
1. is actually a site I go on every day)

In the end, I believe that all my editing and refining satisfies the English 15 blog more appropriately because it contributed to the larger rhetorical situation a little better than it did before.

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Born and raised in NYC. Lived in The Poconos, PA. Residing at Penn State University.