Thursday, October 27, 2011


Works Cited
Shaffer, Helen B. "Insanity as a Defense." Editorial Research Reports 1964. Vol. I.
Washington: CQ Press, 1964. 41-60. CQ Researcher. Web. 28 Oct. 2011.
This article focuses on the issue of whether or not pleading insanity in a criminal trial is justified in the U.S. court system. The majority of the article focuses on past murder trials, particularly ones involving the assination of U.S. presidents. The article sheds light on the mental character of these assasins, for example Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby. There is a huge contraversy involved in the case of these murderers because they both pleaded insanity in their murder cases, so the question of what constitutes insanity and the means in which it can be determined were major factors. Personally, I believe that pleading insanity has definately changed throughout the years moreso for the worst because since insanity defense has become more frequent in modern day murder trials, it is less likely that the defendant was actually mentally impaired at the time of the crime.
Thompson, Roger."Sexual Revolution Reconsidered." Editorial Research Reports 1984. Vol.
II. Washington: CQ Press, 1984. 509-28. CQ Researcher. Web. 28 Oct. 2011.
This article was generally about the sexual revolution, specifically between 1950-1970, and the similarities and differences in sexual behavior amongst women from then and now. One of the main points made throughout the article was how some of the trends of the sexual revolution have drastically changed. For example, in the 1950's, women who had sex before marriage were frowned upon and greatly criticized; however, now 58% of Americans say sex, with love, before marriage is acceptable. The issue in this article is whether or not these changes in sexual behavior have beneficial or counterproductive effects. My stance on the issue is that the sexual revolution has actually benefitted women overtime due to the fact that the freedom associated with premarital sex opened the flood gates for mass opportunities, like, for example the introduction of female writers and females actually playing some role in society and suddenly becoming significant.
Worsnop, Richard L. "Fashion World." Editorial Research Reports 1971. Vol. I.
Washington: CQ Press, 1971. 267-86. CQ Researcher. Web. 28 Oct. 2011.
Finally, this last article is about how fashion has changed along the years. It makes special notation specifically on how in the past, clothing defined who you were and what role you played in society if any at all. For example, the classification system during the middleages segregated the surfs from the rich and in turn their clothing would be a defining characteristic. The rich wore intricately designed clothing while the slaves or poor people wore practically rags. Some of these trends in fashion have stuck in society today in the sense that the wealthy can afford the Marc Jacobs and the poor may settle for "less quality" clothing such as the Gap, or Old Navy thus, the differences in social class can be represented by fashion and is obviously a problem we face today.

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Born and raised in NYC. Lived in The Poconos, PA. Residing at Penn State University.